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The 4th edition of ‘FlamencoEñe’ is back at Málaga’s Picasso Museum

From June 27th to June 29th, 2019, the Auditorium of the Picasso Museum will host artists such as Rafael Riqueni, Rancapino Chico, La Fabi, Israel Fernández, Diego del Morao, José del Tomate, Lela Soto, La Negra, El Panky and Pepe Luis Carmona Habichuela

Photo: Rafael Riqueni’s fan page (Facebook)


Another season, the fourth already, and the Muestra de Flamenco para Programadores Internacionales FlamencoEñe 2019 is back from June 27th to June 29th, 2019, at its usual venue, Museo Picasso Málaga. This initiative is organized by the SGAE Foundation with the collaboration of the museum itself and the Instituto Andaluz del Flamenco.

The goal is clear: to internationalize flamenco in Spain by providing a direct link among artists, programmers and music producers. Representatives of several festivals and promoters from all over the world — invited by the SGAE Foundation — will be in touch with the participants. A dozen concerts will be performed in three days, in showcase format and in a program combining some of the most representative artists in flamenco, with young talent and very diverse styles.

the Auditorium of the Picasso Museum will host artists of the stature of Ana Crismán with her project Arpa JondaLas Bautistas, Carrasco Family Project, La Fabi, Israel Fernández and Diego del MoraoJosé del Tomate and his group, Lela Soto, La Negra and El Panky, Pedro Ojesto & Flamenco Jazz Company, Pepe Luis Carmona HabichuelaRafael Riqueni and Rancapino Chico.

Among the most anticipated shows is the one by La Fabi, who will present her new album Fruto y flores, or the one by Lela Soto, the youngest heir of the Sordera family. The new flamenco styles will be showcased with the fusion with duende by La Negra and El Panky or in the guitar of Rafael Riqueni. There will also be more traditional productions such as the recital of Rancapino Chico, the concert by José del Tomate and Pepe Luis Carmona Habichuela and the performance of Israel Fernández and Diego del Morao.

FlamencoEñe can be enjoyed at Málaga’s Picasso Museum between June 27th and June 29th, 2019.



Portal global de arte flamenco. El conocimiento y la pasión. La jondura y la pena. El pellizco y la fiesta. Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.