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The 6th ‘Encuentro Paco de Lucía’ and the universality of Algeciras.

A first-rate lineup with Sara Baras, Pansequito, Aurora Vargas, Perico el Pañero, María Terremoto, Marina Heredia, Dorantes, Raimundo Amador and many others, from July 24th to July 28th

Algeciras wins again, even before hosting the 6th Encuentro Internacional de Guitarra Paco de Lucía, which was announced days ago. That’s because the quality of the program is keeping alive the spirit of the greatest guitarist of all times. “God is coming”, was the headline of a Japanese magazine when the son of La Portuguesa travelled for the first time to that country in Asia. Since the Maestro passed away in February, 2014, the city where he was born has thrown itself into becoming a mecca for all fans of its most universal citizen. There, at the Cementerio del Rinconcillo, his mortal remains rest, in a nearby and peaceful place where a mausoleum in his honor has been built, visited every year by thousands of people who want to feel Paco’s magic aura.

That’s not all, there’s more. “We’ll never be able to pay back Paco de Lucía for all he has given to Algeciras”, said the councilor of the City of Algeciras during the act of presentation of the program. That’s why the project of creating this city’s Centro de Interpretación Paco de Lucía is so far advanced, financed by the European Union’s ITI Funds. Then there is also the project of maintaining and growing this Encuentro which every year takes over its streets and squares to promote the union between the people and the universe, adding content to the Ruta Paco de Lucía which has as focal point the statue of this artist at the entrance of Puerto Marítimo.

After its previous five editions, which have featured artists of the stature of John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola, Miguel Poveda, Niña Pastori, Manuel Moneo, Tomatito, La Macanita, Antonio Reyes, Vicente Soto, Estrella Morente, Pastora Soler, Diego Carrasco, Antonio Rey, Paco Montalvo, Diego del Morao and Parrita, this event is back in full strength with a slight change in it’s usual date: now it will take place a week later so it won’t clash with the Feria de La Línea. That was stated by the mayor, who presides the organization of this event, whose artistic direction and alma mater — I’m the one saying this — is José Luis Lara, of Emell Eventos, a great fried and even confidant of Paco. For future editions, José Luis is not ruling out having other artists from other genres besides flamenco and jazz who are familiar with Paco, because the essence of that musician was universal.

Lineup of the 6th Encuentro Internacional de Guitarra Paco de Lucía

From July 24t to July 28th, 2019, the Parque María Cristina will once again host galas of very high quality, as well as conferences, a masterclass and courses. The event will be opened by José Manuel León and Alicia Carrasco, both from Algeciras, with their show Los bienes de la tierra. The following evening Raimundo Amador and the trio formed by Antonio Serrano, Antonio Sánchez and José del Tomate will cause a stir. Friday is the turn of Sara Baras, the global bailaora, who will bring Sombras, a production which was greatly acclaimed in the USA. On Saturday evening, cante flamenco will take with performances by Pansequito, Aurora Vargas, Perico ‘El Pañero’ and María Terremoto, four unquestionable leading stars of today’s cante. This edition of the event will be closed on Sunday 28th by Marina Heredia and Dorantes, who will take to the prestigious stage of the Parque their shared show Esencias. Speakers of the stature of Manuel Martín Martín, Manuel Curao and José María Castaño will talk about flamenco guitar, Paco de Lucía and Camarón in three obligatory conferences of great quality so that this city, where Europe and Africa shake hands, becomes the meeting point of the magic and universality of music, flamenco and creativity.

Photo: Algeciras City Council



Jerez, 1991. Flamenco y comunicación las 24 horas del día. Desde 2012 en prensa escrita, tertulias radiofónicas, programas de tv, presentación de festivales, revistas especializadas... En mi familia todos bailamos por bulerías, aunque yo soy el único periodista.