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Happy Flamenco Holidays!

Merry Christmas to all, contributors, employees, and readers of ExpoFlamenco, and all the best for 2023!

Christmas is always a good time to review the year, plan for the next and spend time with family and friends. The holidays can be a difficult time, as we miss those who are no longer with us, some of them having departed this same year. Perhaps that is the worst part of these cold days, even if it’s sunny. In ExpoFlamenco we have a lot to celebrate, though, because our website is successful all over the world and we have a great team. Being the director of this means of communication is perhaps the only thing that gives sense and purpose to my life. I worked hard to be able to write about flamenco in the Correo de Andalucía newspaper, where I have been writing for over forty years. One day, Mitch and Jafelin Helten showed up in my life and offered me to embark with then in ExpoFlamenco’s adventure, at first just as a contributor, and later as director. We managed to gather a great team of outstanding contributors, people who write with passion and who consider our website to be their own. Today, I want to give thanks to everyone for making it all so easy and for your complete dedication. We have achieved a lot together, but the best is still to come. We have started great new projects which will come to fruition next year, all of them focused on promoting flamenco and supporting the artists, who are the cornerstone of this genre. This is all thanks to our thousands of loyal readers all over the world, without whom nothing would have been possible. Many thanks in particular for your loyalty, for being always there supporting us and for being the true ambassadors of ExpoFlamenco the world over. All our efforts are for you. Merry Christmas to all, contributors, employees, and readers of ExpoFlamenco, and all the best for 2023!



Arahal, Sevilla, 1958. Crítico de flamenco, periodista y escritor. 40 años de investigación flamenca en El Correo de Andalucía. Autor de biografías de la Niña de los Peines, Carbonerillo, Manuel Escacena, Tomás Pavón, Fernando el de Triana, Manuel Gerena, Canario de Álora...