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Flamenco Real broadens its horizons in its fourth season

The season pays homage to three great icons from the three disciplines of flamenco: the bailaora Merche Esmeralda, cantaor Ramón el Portugués and guitarist Manolo Sanlúcar.

The fourth season of Flamenco Real (Royal Flamenco) will begin at the Teatro Real (Royal Theatre) on the 4th of November, with a universal programme which both established and promising young flamenco artists will participate in. It is apparent that the institution is committed to promoting and protecting the legacy of flamenco, with its three disciplines – cante, toque and baile – starring equally.


The present season is thus dedicated to three flamenco icons: the bailaora Merche Esmeralda, cantaor Ramón el Portugués and guitarist Manolo Sanlúcar, whose prestige, career history and personality are recognised and respected even outside of the flamenco environment. In the new season’s presentation, the bailaora Eva Yerbabuena presented them with a poster to commemorate the tribute paid to them by the Flamenco Real.


Fourteen shows, with 42 performances in total, make up this season’s programme, which brings together a select number of artists who, with a common link, express their art with distinct and genuine personalities, showing the very best of flamenco and, even more importantly, the survival and evolution of a genre which is unique in the world. From the season opening on 4th November, featuring the versatile guitarist El Amir – known on the world stage for his close collaboration with the soundtrack composer Hans Zimmer – until the finale where El Carrete de Málaga himself will dance, there will be appearances from big names including: Amador Rojas, Dorantes, Marco Flores, Farru, David Palomar, Antonio Lizana, Alba Heredia, Pastora Galván, Daniel Casares, Eduardo Guerrero, Patricia Guerrero (recently awarded the National Dance Prize 2021) and Kiki Morente. They will all be joined by guest stars in their shows, making up an extraordinary mosaic of the current flamenco scene.


Due to the excellent reception of the Flamenco Real series since its creation in 2018, and to coincide with the start of the current season, the Teatro Real’s audiovisual platform, My Opera Player, is launching a special content section for users to enjoy the Teatro Real’s flamenco shows, giving greater visibility to participating artists and offering a unique opportunity to fans both in and outside of Spain.


This fourth edition of Flamenco Real, which is expected to sell out completely, will be returning to its original format, similar to a tablao. Each show will be put on for two consecutive days, with performances at 7pm on the first day and at both 7pm and 9pm on the second. Tickets will be priced between 25 and 72€ a seat, depending on category and location.


Translation: Lauren Bleakley




Portal global de arte flamenco. El conocimiento y la pasión. La jondura y la pena. El pellizco y la fiesta. Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.